Design Your Future

There is an expression in Swahili that roughly translates to "you are where you have been." While it's certainly true that we cannot change where we've been or what has happened to us, we all have the ability to use our past experiences to design a new future.

About You

You often describe yourself as "fine". You experience a dull, nagging sense you that you could be feeling a little bit better. Maybe the people around you have been asking you if you're okay more often than they used to. You've thought about talking to someone before, but you worry that your problems are too big for a therapist to handle - or too small to be worth talking about. You fear that seeking therapy will make you appear weak or ungrateful.

You are a family caregiver, struggling with the stress brought on by a responsibility you weren't prepared for. You are a first responder, exhausted because the chronic unpredictability has taken a toll on your body. You are the doctor, responsible for human life during the most tumultuous era in modern medicine. You are a patient, tired of treatments and increasingly fearful of the pain. You are a spouse, who has begun to lose touch of your own identity.

Therapy can help you find greater strength and more resilience, reduce your pain, and gain a stronger sense of you are and who you want to be. You can design your future.

About Me

My future started at the University of Tennessee, where I graduated with a Bachelors in Psychology, and a Masters in Social Work. I opted to focus my studies on "macro" level work, meaning that I have a special interest in management, leadership, and community practice. By the time I was ready to embark on practicum study, I already had several years of experience working locally in community mental health. So, to create a different experience for myself, I studied social work practice in New Zealand. I spent the semester working as an intern with Child, Youth, and Family in Whanganui.

I spent my second field placement interning under then Chief of Police, David Rausch with the Knoxville Police Department. My final project consisted of a comprehensive review of the department's diversity training program, and evaluation of its effectiveness.

Since graduating, I have provided guidance and support to families facing Alzheimer's disease, substance use disorders, and mental health crises. Despite all of this, the most enriching experience of my life was the time I stepped away from my career in order to provide full-time care to my husband as he underwent an organ transplant.

Immediate openings are available. Text, call, or email to schedule an appointment.

My Treatment Approach

I approach my work through the lens of a therapeutic technique called Somatic Experiencing. A lesser-known form of therapy, this modality is a body-oriented model designed to heal trauma and other stress disorders. The belief is that trauma and stress cause

Anna Hodges, LCSW
Lic.#11233 702.997.5567